What are the disadvantages of eating food in plastic containers? Know from the doctor

In today's era, along with our lifestyle, our food habits have also changed. Earlier we used to like homemade food, but nowadays people are liking market food more. Many people get their food packed from the market and bring it home, but do you know that the plastic container in which the food comes is very harmful for our health. Food packed in plastic containers is inviting many diseases.

Food in plastic news

Nowadays, plastic utensils are being used in every household. Plastic utensils are being used for everything from drinking tea to eating food. 

Even many food items available in the market come packed in plastic. People are using it indiscriminately. Today, plastic has come into our lives to such an extent that people also prefer to eat food in plastic items in the market. 

People take it lightly, but do you know that eating food in plastic can cause great harm to your health. Plastic is slowly poisoning our body. Let us know what problems can be caused by eating in plastic utensils and what are the ways to avoid it.

Dangerous chemicals are released from plastic

Plastic contains many harmful chemicals, such as bisphenol A and phthalates. When you store hot food in plastic containers, these chemicals can get into the food. They can cause hormonal imbalance in the body and can invite many diseases like heart disease, cancer, obesity, diabetes, etc.

Risk of congestive heart failure

Senior cardiologist Dr Anand Pandey says that eating food in plastic containers is very harmful for health. Today, the use of plastic utensils in the market has increased so much that people are easily eating food from packed boxes.

Eating food packed in plastic containers can increase the risk of congestive heart failure. This condition arises when the heart is unable to pump enough blood according to the body's needs. 

That is, in heart failure, the pump of the heart gets damaged. In this, blood can accumulate in other parts of your body over time. Most of the blood starts accumulating in your lungs, legs and toes, which can later lead to the risk of heart failure.

Cancer risk

Apart from this, food in packed boxes also invites fatal diseases like cancer. Experts say that some chemicals present in plastic keep accumulating in the body for a long time and can gradually cause dangerous diseases like cancer. Especially bringing hot food in plastic packets increases this risk further.

Bad effect on hormones

The toxic elements of plastic can disturb the hormones of the body. It affects both men and women. Sperm count may decrease in men, which may lead to problems in conceiving a child in the future. Women may have problems related to periods.

Stomach problems

If you eat food in plastic utensils every day, then slowly its small particles start accumulating in the body. This can cause problems like gas, acidity, constipation and stomach ache.

Also dangerous for the environment

Plastic is not only dangerous for our health but also for the earth. It does not get destroyed for hundreds of years and contaminates soil and water. This not only harms the environment but also has a bad effect on animals and marine life.
